
Our Visionaries

Anmol Singh


Anmol Singh is a founding member of Sikh Kid 2 Kid and is the current Vice President. Anmol joined Sikh Kid 2 Kid in August 2012 after tragedy struck a Gurudwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, in order to raise awareness about Sikhism, and stand up for the minorities who did not have a voice. In Anmol’s seven years at Sikh Kid 2 Kid, he has held the positions of Social Media Manager, Secretary of Internal Affairs, and is now an elected Vice President.

As the Vice President of Sikh Kid 2 Kid, it is Anmol’s responsibility to make sure meetings are running smoothly, organize and run meetings for the younger Sikh Kid 2 Kid group, and assist the president in making executive decisions.

Anmol, a senior at Winston Churchill High school, in addition to his academic achievements and aspirations, is reaching for religious, cultural, and racial intolerance to be abolished in the world.

During Anmol’s tenure at Sikh Kid 2 Kid, he has represented the organization at many different venues and events, such as the Religious Freedom Center, Communities United Against Hate, and many other interfaith events.

Outside of Sikh Kid 2 Kid, Anmol enjoys spending time with his family and friends, watching movies, playing sports, or just hanging out.